Account Opening Information
Customers are required to complete an Account Opening Form and provide the necessary account opening documents. After we have received the client’s account application form and relevant documents, we will apply for approval. When the approval is successful, the customer’s account opening process is completed and he/she can conduct transactions.
NOTE: Our Company has official account opening procedures for individual accounts and corporate accounts. Customers are required to provide relevant documents for internal approval. Our Company reserves all rights of account opening and transaction terminations. Our Company refuses all funds associated with illegal sources or criminal cases.
Account Opening Documents
Local Limited Companies
- Valid Business Registration Certificate (BR)
- Certificate of Incorporation (CI)
- Latest Annual Return (AR1)
- New Incorporation : Incorporation Form (NC1)
- Articles of Association
- Company’s bank statement issued within last 3 months
- Identity documents of all directors
- Residential address proof of all directorsRemarks: address proof (water bills, electricity bills, gas bills, tax bills or bank statements issued within last 3 months)
- Identity documents of shareholders (with 25% or more shareholding)
- Residential address proof of shareholders (with 25% or more shareholding)
- Registration of DPMS (Category A/Category B Registration)
Overseas Limited Companies
- Valid Business Registration Certificate (BR) (if applicable)
- Certificate of Incorporation (CI)
- Certificate of Incumbency
- Register of Members
- Register of Directors
- Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association (M&A)
- Identity documents of all directors
- Residential address proof of all directors
- Identity documents of shareholders (with 25% or more shareholding)
- Residential address proof of shareholders (with 25% or more shareholding)
- Company’s bank statement issued within last 3 months
Sole Proprietorships
- Valid Business Registration Certificate (BR)
- Extract of information on the Business Register
- Identity documents of owner
- Residential address proof of owner
- Company’s bank statement issued within last 3 months
Partnership Organisations
- Valid Business Registration Certificate (BR)
- Extract of information on the Business Register
- Identity documents of all partners
- Residential address proof of all partners
- Company’s bank statement issued within last 3 months
Individual Customers
- Identity documents
- Residential address proof (water bills, electricity bills, gas bills, tax bills or bank statements issued within last 3 months)
- Proof of personal assets ( statement issued within last 3 months)